
マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • Concerned about enlarged pores
  • Acne scars and redness
  • Fine lines have started to increase
  • Lack of firmness and elasticity
  • Concerned about acne scars and craters
  • Pores are prominent and foundation accumulates
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is Dermaroller ?

Using ultra-fine needles thinner than hair, it enhances skin’s wound healing ability by creating tiny holes on the skin surface.
During the skin recovery process, collagen and elastin increase,
Promoting skin regeneration, improving skin firmness, elasticity, acne scars, unevenness of craters, pores, fine lines, and sagging.

Dermaroller 4 can open 1,920 holes per second on the skin with 16 ultra-fine needles, allowing for quick treatments.

How Dermaroller Works

With Dermaroller 4 used in our clinic, the maximum depth can now be adjusted up to 3.0mm.
Compared to traditional Dermarollers, the number of needles has increased, and the maximum depth has been increased, making it easier to penetrate effective ingredients.

The skin has inherent healing power to heal itself, and this treatment draws out that power.

Mechanism of Dermaroller 4

Through the wound healing process, collagen and elastin are proliferated, activating skin regeneration.

By setting Dermaroller 4 needles to a deeper level, effectiveness can be expected even on acne scars deep within the skin.
Continued treatment gradually improves skin smoothness, thereby improving acne scars.

Redness of acne, uneven skin texture, and enlarged pores also gradually improve in texture.
Through collagen and elastin production, it improves skin texture, firmness, and elasticity, leading to supple and elastic skin.

History of Dermaroller

Before the introduction of Dermarollers, there were roller devices called dermarollers with needles that punctured holes.
In 2011, Dermaroller 1 was released by Dermaroller World, evolving into a pen-type device.
Continued improvements led to the release of Dermaroller 4 in 2020.

Using needles finer than hair, ranging from 0.25mm to 2.5mm in depth, Dermaroller creates small, vertical punctures on the skin's surface tailored to its condition, activating turnover. It amplifies collagen and elastin during the skin's repair process, treating acne and acne scars.

Dermaroller is a medical device approved by the FDA in the United States (equivalent to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) for treating acne and acne scars.

Features of Dermaroller 4:

While the previous Dermaroller 3 could create 1,300 small holes per second with 12 needles,

Dermaroller 4 now features 16 needles of 33G, creating 1,920 holes per second.

Moreover, it operates at 120 vibrations per second, the fastest in the world. This treatment rejuvenates the skin through wound healing with even less downtime than before.
Reference: Dermapen Microneedling Pens / Dermapen World

Dermaroller 4 enhances skin's self-regeneration by creating tiny, high-density punctures, promoting collagen and elastin production. It is said to lead to skin rejuvenation and overall improvement in skin texture.

Improvement Effects of
Dermaroller 4

  • 01

    Acne Scars

    Acne is an inflammation that occurs in the pores, ranging from mild to severe cases. With severe acne, acne scars may remain after the inflammation subsides. There are various types of acne scars, and particularly severe cases with inflammation and pus are termed “hypertrophic scars” or keloids.

    Skin can also develop acne scars that appear as indentations with enlarged pores. While such acne scars may naturally heal, they can sometimes heal slowly or leave noticeable discoloration. Using Dermaroller 4 to create fine needle punctures on the skin activates turnover, enhances skin’s self-regenerative properties, and can expedite the healing of pigmentation and crater-like scars faster than usual.

  • 02

    Enlarged Pores

    Troubles with pores are primarily caused by skin sagging, excessive sebum secretion, and clogging due to blackheads. When sebum is trapped in pores without being released, it transforms into blackheads upon exposure to air, giving the appearance of blackened pores. Normally, sebum acts as a film to prevent skin dryness. Excessive sebum can expand pores, making them more visible.

    Factors contributing to increased sebum include hormonal changes during puberty, temperature, diet, and skin dryness. Dermaroller 4 opens fine needle punctures on the skin to enhance self-regeneration, promote collagen and elastin production in the skin, accelerate turnover, and improve skin texture. Generated collagen and elastin tighten pores, reducing their visibility.

  • 03

    Skin Firmness, Elasticity, Fine Lines

    As aging progresses, skin loses its firmness and elasticity, making wrinkles and sagging more likely. This is due to the loosening of collagen and elastin in the dermis, which are responsible for supporting the epidermis and maintaining skin elasticity. Dermaroller 4 enhances natural healing ability by creating fine needle punctures on the skin, promoting collagen and elastin production, thereby increasing skin firmness and elasticity, and leading to smoother skin.

Dermaroller 4 Solutions

Dermapen 4 drug
There are various drugs that can be used with Dermapen 4, so we will consult with you on the most suitable drug while looking at the patient's condition.

The price of the regular Dermapen 4 also includes the cost of the drug.
A highly moisturizing serum that contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid.
It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, zinc and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which promote skin turnover and suppress rough skin.
Strengthens barrier function and promotes skin repair.
Recommended for those with dry skin and those who want to regain firmness and shine.
In addition, the depth of the first needle can be set to a deep level during all treatments, so it is recommended for those who are prone to uneven skin.
Recommended for those who want to regain firmness and shine

Uber Peel
This drug is effective for improving pigmentation caused by acne and for active acne.
An all-in-one hypoallergenic peeling agent exclusively for Dermapen that comprehensively improves your skin's beauty.
This peel contains mandelic acid, a type of AHA, which is mild but easily penetrates the skin.
This is a skin-friendly peeling agent that even first-time users can use with confidence.
Due to the synergistic effect with the skin regeneration effect of Dermapen 4, higher effects can be expected than peeling treatment alone.
It also contains kojic acid, arbutin, niacinamide, etc., which adjusts the turnover disordered by aging etc.
It leads to bright, even-textured skin.
This peeling agent is highly effective in improving acne and pimples, and is recommended for those who want a comprehensive solution to various skin problems.
At our clinic, we provide an aftercare pack (usually ¥3,300) at no additional charge to protect your skin from becoming acidic after the peel.
We are wearing it together.
Peeling agent recommended for those who want to comprehensively eliminate skin problems
Massage peel (velvet skin)
The treatment that combines Dermapen 4 and massage peel is called Velvet Skin.
Massage peel, like Uber peel, is a type of peeling agent.
Apply a liquid called "PRX-T33" to the entire face while massaging it, then wipe off the drug within a few seconds.
Trichloroacetic acid contained in PRX-T33 penetrates into the dermis and activates turnover.
By using it together with Dermapen, skin turnover can be further activated.

It is so named because it aims to make your skin as smooth and textured as woven velvet.
By activating turnover, dirt on the skin surface is removed and the skin becomes brighter.
It also contains kojic acid, which inhibits the activation of tyrosinase, an enzyme that produces melanin, which causes dark spots.
Therefore, you can also expect a whitening effect.
You can also expect a whitening effect.

Price Guide

Dermaroller 4 (Nose)
12,100 Yen (Tax Included)
6 times set
60,500 Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
108,900 Yen (Tax Included)
Dermaroller 4 (Nose)
Yen (Tax Included)
6 times set
Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
Yen (Tax Included)
Dermaroller 4 (Full Face)
Initial price
17,600 Yen (Tax Included)
From the second time onwards
19,800 Yen (Tax Included)
5 times set
92,000 Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
199,800 Yen (Tax Included)
Dermaroller 4 (Full Face)
Initial price
Yen (Tax Included)
From the second time onwards
Yen (Tax Included)
5 times set
Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
Yen (Tax Included)
Dermaroller 4 (Neck)
14,300 Yen (Tax Included)
6 times set
71,500 Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
128,700 Yen (Tax Included)
Dermaroller 4 (Neck)
Yen (Tax Included)
6 times set
Yen (Tax Included)
12 reps set
Yen (Tax Included)

Features of Dermaroller 4


    Adjustable Depth According to Areas and Concerns

    The needle length can be adjusted in 0.1mm increments, allowing customization for thin or thick skin areas, and addressing concerns such as acne scars or pigmentation in deeper layers of the skin. Depth adjustments are tailored to specific areas and concerns. Initially, treatment follows the clinic’s standard depth guidelines, with adjustments made from the second session onwards based on the downtime and current condition of the skin. This flexibility enables treatment from the superficial epidermal layer to the deeper dermal layers, effectively targeting acne and acne scars across different skin depths.


    Precision Treatment with Pen-shaped Device

    As the name suggests, the Dermapen is a pen-shaped machine, so it can treat more detailed areas.
    It is characterized by being easy to apply to fine lines, creases, and nostrils. Therefore, you can thoroughly care for the area around your nose, where acne scars and pores are often a problem.


    Reduced Pain and Swelling Compared to Conventional Devices

    Dermapen 4’s ultra-fine needles are finer than hair. Since it is applied evenly and evenly to the skin while applying vibrations with constant pressure, skin irritation and pain are reduced even more than before.

    Before the introduction of dermapens, holes were made using a roller called a dermaroller with a needle attached.
    Because the roller rotates, the needle hole spreads out in a fan shape, which has the disadvantage of causing the wound to open wide. Due to the large size of the wound, downtime was also long.


    Additional topical anesthesia possible

    For those who are concerned about pain or who are afraid of the procedure for the first time, we can additionally administer topical anesthesia.
    We will apply a numbing cream to the surface of your skin and allow it to penetrate for about 20 minutes before beginning the Dermapen treatment.

    Additional fee: ¥3,300

Case Photos of

    A patient who was worried about acne scars and was treated with Dermapen 4 + Uber Peel 3 times.
    Total Cost
    Side Effects
    ▼Downtime/side effects (risk)
    ・Redness, swelling, internal bleeding, a feeling of heat, itching, peeling of the skin, poor makeup application, temporary pigmentation, etc. may occur from the day of the treatment, but this usually occurs within a few days to two weeks after the treatment. I'm going to lighten up.
    ・There may be excessive sebum secretion for several days after surgery.
    - Infection may occur if the treatment area is unhygienic.
    A patient who was worried about pores and acne scars and was treated with Dermapen 4 4 times, 1 time in combination with Hydra Gentle and 1 time in combination with Massage Peel (Velvet Skin)
    Total Cost
    Side Effects
    ▼Downtime/side effects (risk)
    ・Redness, swelling, internal bleeding, a feeling of heat, itching, peeling of the skin, poor makeup application, temporary pigmentation, etc. may occur from the day of the treatment, but this usually occurs within a few days to two weeks after the treatment. I'm going to lighten up.
    ・There may be excessive sebum secretion for several days after surgery.
    - Infection may occur if the treatment area is unhygienic.

Treatment Process

  • 1

    Appointment Booking

    Please make your appointment via our website, LINE, or by phone.
  • 1

    Appointment Booking

    Please make your appointment via our website, LINE, or by phone.
  • 2

    Cleansing & VISIA Imaging

    First-time patients will undergo VISIA skin analysis.
  • 2

    Cleansing & VISIA Imaging

    First-time patients will undergo VISIA skin analysis.
  • 3

    Consultation & Examination

    Based on the VISIA results, we offer thorough counseling and examination by specialized physicians to suggest the optimal treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions or express concerns.
  • 3

    Consultation & Examination

    Based on the VISIA results, we offer thorough counseling and examination by specialized physicians to suggest the optimal treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions or express concerns.
  • 4

    Surface Anesthesia

    Additional surface anesthesia is available for those concerned about discomfort or experiencing the treatment for the first time. An anesthetic cream is applied and left to absorb for about 20 minutes before starting the Dermaroller treatment. Additional Charge: ¥3,300
  • 4

    Surface Anesthesia

    Additional surface anesthesia is available for those concerned about discomfort or experiencing the treatment for the first time. An anesthetic cream is applied and left to absorb for about 20 minutes before starting the Dermaroller treatment. Additional Charge: ¥3,300
  • 5


    We proceed with Dermaroller treatments. Upon request, additional surface anesthesia or nitrous oxide sedation can be provided to alleviate discomfort during treatment.
  • 5


    We proceed with Dermaroller treatments. Upon request, additional surface anesthesia or nitrous oxide sedation can be provided to alleviate discomfort during treatment.
  • 6

    Treatment Completion

    A calming cream is applied for cooldown.
  • 6

    Treatment Completion

    A calming cream is applied for cooldown.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there pain or downtime?
There is a moderate level of pain, and redness downtime lasts approximately 1-2 days, settling within about a week.
Will there be scars?
Due to the needles finer than hair, no scars will remain.
How often should I receive treatments?
We recommend sessions spaced 3 weeks to 1 month apart.
My acne is severe. Can I receive treatment?
For severe inflammation, we do not recommend it. For active acne, we suggest UberPeel, oral acne medication, or chemical peels.
What is the difference between Aqua Infusion and Dermaroller?
Aqua Infusion involves directly injecting hyaluronic acid under the skin to enhance firmness. Dermaroller, on the other hand, stimulates natural healing processes in the skin, promoting absorption of beauty ingredients for enhanced effects.
What conditions does Dermaroller treat?
Dermaroller improves skin issues such as enlarged pores, acne scars, cratering, and fine lines, offering anti-aging benefits. The skin quickly heals the openings made by the needles, activating cells to deliver effective ingredients deep into the skin.
When will I start seeing results from Dermaroller 4?
Results vary, but many notice improvements within 1-2 weeks. By promoting collagen and elastin production during the natural healing process, it enhances skin radiance and elasticity, leading to smoother skin without irregularities.
Can Dermaroller 4 be used on the neck?
Yes, it can.
Can Dermaroller 4 be used on "smokers lines" (around the mouth)?
Yes, it can be done with regular Dermaroller plus an additional ¥1,100 charge.
I am 75 years old. Can I receive treatment?
Yes, there are no age restrictions.


Post-treatment care includes:

Makeup can be applied the next day. Refrain from washing your face, using toner, or applying lotion for 12 hours due to medication absorption.
Avoid sun exposure after treatment. Excessive sun exposure may cause skin inflammation.
Avoid saunas, bathing, and strenuous exercise for 2-3 days until redness subsides.
Conditions where treatment is not recommended include:
Pregnancy, diabetes, bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, skin disorders, infections, keloid-prone individuals, herpes, local anesthesia allergies, and cancer patients.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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