
マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • I am concerned about the incidence of side effects.
  • I want to use a highly safe AGA treatment drug.
  • I'm worried about hair loss
  • Thinning hair has become noticeable
  • I would like to treat it with oral medication first.
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is propecia ?

It is a type of AGA treatment drug that suppresses the male hormone DHT (dihydrotestrone), which is the cause of AGA.
In addition, it can be said to be a highly safe drug with a low incidence of side effects.
It is a treatment that can prevent hair loss and promote improvement of thinning hair by suppressing the root cause.

How propecia Works

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a substance produced when 5α-reductase and testosterone combine.
This is one of the causes of hair loss that shortens the hair growth period.
Propecia contains finasteride, which has the effect of inhibiting the production of dihydrotestrone (DHT) itself.
By continuing to drink it correctly every day, you can prevent the progression of hair loss.

Even if you take Propecia, each individual’s constitution and hair cycle disturbances will vary, so the improvement of symptoms and the speed of hair growth may vary.
There are individual differences.
There are some people who find it difficult to see the effects, but there are many cases where they are taking it incorrectly in the first place.
It is important to always follow the dosage and frequency as instructed by your doctor and to take them correctly.

Propecia is only effective when used correctly.
For example, if you don’t drink some days and some days you don’t, you won’t get the benefits of Propecia.
In the meantime, AGA may progress and the result may be unsatisfactory.

It is important to take your medication at the same time every day to avoid forgetting to take it.
For example, it will be easier to remember to drink it if you drink it when rehydrating after bathing or after meals.

How to take Propecia

Propecia (Finasteride) and Propecia Generic (Finasteride) are taken one tablet at a time, once a day.
There is no problem with the timing of taking it: morning, noon, or night.
The important thing is to decide on a time to take your medication and to keep your senses open for a certain amount of time.
It is best to choose a time to take the medication that is easy for you to get used to.

Price Guide

First time 1 month
11,000 Yen (Tax Included)
From the second time onward: 1 month's worth
10,000 Yen (Tax Included)
First time 1 month
Yen (Tax Included)
From the second time onward: 1 month's worth
Yen (Tax Included)
(AGA) therapeutic drug approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to drink alcohol while taking Propecia?
If you drink a small amount of alcohol, you can take Propecia (finasteride) before or after drinking alcohol.
It is said that there are no major problems.
However, Propecia (Finasteride) is a drug that is broken down by the liver, so excessive drinking is not recommended.
Caution is required.
When the breakdown of alcohol and Propecia (finasteride) puts a heavy burden on the liver,
Deterioration of liver function is more likely to occur.
When will I see the effects of Propecia?
Propecia usually requires daily administration for 6 months before it becomes effective.
Many people can feel the effects by that time, but the earliest is about 3 months, which varies from person to person.
Is Propecia covered by insurance?
AGA treatment such as Propecia is a free treatment because it is not a life-threatening disease.
Not covered by insurance.

Side Effect Risks

This is a free medical service.
Please declare if you fall under the following categories as you cannot receive treatment.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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