Personal Information Protection Policy

Established on July 1, 2022

Water Valley General Incorporated Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) recognizes its social mission and respects the protection of personal information based on the philosophy of respecting individual personalities. We comply with laws and regulations related to personal information, and establish a personal information protection management system to embody the following policies, continuously improving it with the latest IT trends, social demands, and changes in the business environment. We declare that the entire Corporation will work on these continuous improvements.

Water Valley General Incorporated Association Representative Director Yuuki Mizutani
That is all.

  • The Corporation will appropriately acquire, use, and provide personal information and will not handle personal information beyond the necessary range to achieve the specified purpose of use. Measures to ensure this will be taken.
  • The Corporation will comply with laws, guidelines, and other standards regarding the handling of personal information.
  • The Corporation will take reasonable safety measures against the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, continuously improving the security system by injecting management resources suitable to the business’s actual situation. In the event of an incident, corrective measures will be promptly taken.
  • The Corporation will promptly and sincerely respond to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information within a reasonable range. Necessary systems will be established for this purpose.
  • This policy will be distributed to all employees and made available at any time to anyone on the Corporation’s website and brochures.

Personal Information Protection Policy Inquiries and Complaints Contact

RBM Ginza Building 4th Floor, 7-4-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Water Valley General Incorporated Association

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
*No unsolicited emails, please
TEL: 03-6228-5707 (Reception Hours: 10:00-19:00)
FAX: 03-6228-5780

Use of Personal Information

Our clinic will not provide or disclose patient information to third parties without prior consent or unless required by law.
The personal information we collect will be used for the following purposes.

  • To handle reservations, cancellations, and inquiries from our clinic’s website.
  • To provide appropriate medical services to patients.
  • To send communications, notifications, and various announcements related to services.
  • To confirm and respond to opinions and inquiries regarding services.
  • To confirm advertising effectiveness by combining with personal-related information obtained from third parties (e.g., Cookies).
  • To create, manage, and account medical records and other administrative tasks.
  • To conduct academic research aimed at improving the quality of medical care and for legal and administrative tasks.
  • To confirm requests for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension, erasure, and stopping provision to third parties of personal information.

Unless otherwise stated, personal information will not be used for purposes other than those listed above.
In urgent situations or when necessary for treatment, usage will be prioritized, and an explanation will be provided afterward.

Public Announcement of Personal Information Usage Purposes

Water Valley General Incorporated Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) announces that personal information will be used within the scope of the following purposes based on Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Personal Information Usage Purposes

1When obtaining personal information directly from the individual via documents (including websites and emails), the purposes of use are as follows

Internal use within the Corporation

To provide medical services to patients

  • To handle medical insurance tasks
  • To manage accounting and bookkeeping
  • To confirm and notify reservation dates and changes
  • To provide services tailored to patients’ conditions
  • Other management and operational tasks related to patients

For the Corporation’s management and operational tasks

  • Basic data for maintaining and improving medical services and operations
  • Case studies conducted internally within the Corporation
  • Information provision to external audit organizations
  • Announcements for health maintenance

Usage Purposes Involving Information Provision to Other Entities

Among the medical services provided by our corporation to patients

  • Coordination with other hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, nursing stations, and care service providers
  • Responding to inquiries from other medical institutions
  • Seeking opinions and advice from external doctors regarding patient treatment
  • Outsourcing lab tests and other tasks
  • Explaining patients’ conditions to family members

Medical Insurance Tasks

  • Outsourcing insurance tasks
  • Submitting medical fee statements to review and payment agencies
  • Responding to inquiries from review and payment agencies or insurers
  • Notifying employers of health check results when conducting health checks commissioned by employers (including non-statutory items)

2Purposes of use when obtaining personal information through methods other than direct documents from the individual

  • To provide medical services to patients
  • To confirm skills for personnel information of cooperating companies for provision to the consignment source
  • To handle applicant information from public employment security offices or private employment mediation sites for recruitment tasks

Notifying Matters Regarding Retained Personal Data

Water Valley General Incorporated Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) notifies the following matters regarding retained personal data, for which individuals can request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and stopping provision to third parties.

1Name, affiliation, and contact of the personal information manager

Personal Information Protection Manager: Yukine Eto Contact TEL: 03-6228-5707 (Reception Hours: 10:00-19:00)

2Purposes of use of retained personal data

  • To provide outpatient services and related tasks within the Corporation
  • To use personal information of applicants for recruitment tasks within the Corporation
  • To use personal information of employees for personnel and labor management, operational management, health management, and security management

3Complaint contact for retained personal data

For inquiries regarding retained personal data, please contact the following

RBM Ginza Building 4th Floor, 7-4-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Water Valley General Incorporated Association

Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
*No unsolicited emails, please
TEL: 03-6228-5707 (Reception hours: 10:00-18:00)
FAX: 03-6228-5780

4Recognized Personal Information Protection Organizations

The Corporation does not belong to any recognized personal information protection organizations.

Procedures for Disclosure, etc., of Retained Personal Data

You can request notification of purpose, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and stopping provision to third parties (disclosure, etc.) of retained personal data. The Corporation will respond to requests for disclosure, etc., following the procedures below.

1Receipt of Requests for Disclosure, etc.

  1. 1 Please contact the following address. We will mail you the “prescribed form.” After receipt, please mail or bring the “prescribed form” and agree to the “Handling of Personal Information” to the following address RBM Ginza Building 4th Floor, 7-4-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
    Water Valley General Incorporated Association Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
    *Please do not send specific e-mails
    TEL: 03-6228-5707 (Reception hours: 10:00-18:00)
    FAX: 03-6228-5780
  2. 2 For personal verification, please mail or bring one of the following documents along with the “prescribed form”: A copy of a public ID such as a driver’s license or passport showing the name and address of the person requesting disclosure, or a copy of a resident card (issued within 30 days before the request for disclosure).
  3. 3 If a representative is handling the procedures, please mail or bring the following additional documents along with the “prescribed form” and “personal verification documents” A) Personal verification documents of the representative
    A copy of a public ID such as a driver’s license or passport showing the name and address of the representative, a copy of the resident card (issued within 30 days before the request for disclosure), or, if the representative is a lawyer, a document showing the registration number.
    A B) Document certifying the proxy (such as a power of attorney) If the personal verification documents of the individual or the representative show the domicile, it can be deleted. The personal verification documents will be responsibly destroyed within two months after being received by the Corporation.

2Fees for Requests for Disclosure, etc., and Their Collection Method

For requests for notification of purpose or disclosure, the following fee (including the response cost from the Corporation) will be charged per request. Please enclose the postal money order for the amount listed below when mailing the request documents.
Disclosure Request Processing Fee: ¥5,500

3Notification of Examination Results

The results of the Corporation’s examination will be promptly communicated by the following methods

  • For notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information, by mail or hand delivery
  • For correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or stopping provision to third parties of personal information, by phone or email.The written notification will be sent by thefollowing methods
  • Mailing the response document to the registered address of the individual
  • Faxing the response document to the registered fax number of the individual
  • Emailing the response document to the registered email address of the individual
  • Calling the registered phone number of the individual and responding orally

Use of Cookies

Our clinic may obtain and use user visit and behavior history information via cookies for third-party advertising services. The information obtained by the third party will be handled according to their privacy policies.
(For more information, please check below)
Users can opt out of using visit and behavior history information for advertising distribution via the opt-out measures provided by the third-party advertising services.

  • Google:
  • Yahoo! JAPAN:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:

*What are Cookies?

Cookies are a mechanism that stores browsing history and input content exchanged between the browser and the server as files on your computer when using a webpage.
The webpage operator can change the display for each customer using the cookie information when the same page is accessed next time.
If your browser is set to allow the sending and receiving of cookies, the website can obtain cookies from your browser.
To protect privacy, your browser only sends cookies sent and received by the server of the website.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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