What is ED (erectile dysfunction)?
ED refers to the condition of being unable to have satisfying sexual intercourse.
It stands for Erectile Dysfunction and is a type of male sexual dysfunction.
Specific symptoms include the male genitalia not becoming hard enough, not being able to maintain an erection (breakthrough), not being able to complete satisfying sexual intercourse, and not being satisfied with the erection.
It is said that one in four Japanese men suffers from this condition.
The proportion is said to increase with age.

About the causes of ED
There are four main causes of ED.
Specifically, there are four causes: organic ED, psychogenic ED, mixed ED, and drug-induced ED.
The characteristics of each are as follows.

You need to check which cause applies to you based on your age and lifestyle habits, and choose the treatment that suits the cause.
ED Treatment Methods
The most popular treatment for ED is medication.
Our clinic also offers Shockwave therapy (Young Stronger), which is said to be a fundamental treatment, and Vigor, which can be used for home care.
ED oral medication
This treatment is characterized by its ease of use.
At our clinic, we handle Cialis and Vardenafil.
In order to have an erection, blood needs to reach the corpus cavernosum, and ED treatment drugs have the effect of widening the blood vessels that are the path of that blood.
There is a risk of side effects such as headaches and nausea.

Young Stronger (ED-MAX)
MY Beauty Clinic uses the ED treatment device “ED-MAX” to treat ED.
By applying shock waves directly to the genital area, it improves blood flow and promotes the creation of new blood vessels.
It is attracting attention as a treatment method other than ED medication, and is said to be effective because it approaches the weakening and reduction of blood vessels, which are the cause of ED.
Furthermore, it is characterized by almost no downtime or pain.

You can purchase this treatment device and improve your ED at home without having to go to a clinic.
It is also called a negative pressure erection aid, and is recommended as a treatment in the ED treatment guidelines established by the Japanese Urological Association and the Japanese Society of Sexual Function.
As a non-pharmaceutical ED (erectile dysfunction) treatment, it can be used by patients who cannot take medicine, those who are reluctant to take medicine, and those who are worried about side effects.
This machine creates a vacuum and promotes erection.