Pico Toning

マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • Want to improve skin texture
  • I have a light spot on my skin.
  • Pores, fine lines, and acne scars
  • I want to treat melasma
  • I am concerned about spots, freckles, and melasma
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is Pico Toning ?

High-power lasers are emitted at a frequency of once every trillionth of a second to break down melanin through photoacoustic effects instead of heat.
Picotoning allows the laser to irradiate the skin evenly at low power.
It is considered to be suitable for the treatment of spots, melasma, and dark spots on the entire face.
The entire face can be toned up with repeated treatments.

Picotoning is a treatment in which picolaser is applied at low power, like a shower, to reduce melanin pigment from the top of the skin.
Conventional laser treatments have the risk of irritating melasma and darkening the pigment,
However, picotoning repeatedly irradiates melasma at low power so as not to stimulate melanin pigment,
However, because PicoToning repeatedly irradiates melasma at low power so as not to stimulate melanin pigment, it is expected to be effective for melasma, which has been difficult to treat with laser.

In addition, since the melanin pigment is destroyed by shock waves, there is almost no pain during the treatment, and there is almost no downtime,
It is a treatment that is easy to try.


Pico Toning at our clinic

Pico Toning at our clinic
Our clinic has introduced the PicoWay, a medical skin laser manufactured by Syneron-Candera (Syneron-Candera) of the United States.

While conventional Q-switched lasers have an irradiation time of nanoseconds (one billionth of a second), the PicoWay can oscillate in picoseconds (one trillionth of a second). The short irradiation time reduces heat generation and damage to the skin.

This laser device has been approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) and by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

At our clinic, two types of laser wavelengths, 1,064nm and 532nm, can be used to treat various types of skin. The doctor selects the wavelength while observing the condition of the spots and performs the treatment.

Reference: PicoWay / CANDELA

Improvement Effects of
Pico Toning

  • 01

    Improvement of melasma

    Pico Toning is expected to have a therapeutic effect mainly on melasma.
    Melasma is a light brown spot that spreads over both cheeks and chin.
    It is characterized by its symmetrical appearance and its tendency to appear in women in their thirties or later.

    Although the cause of melasma is not clearly known, it is thought to be related to female hormones, since it often occurs during pregnancy.

    Reference: Melasma / The Japanese Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Because irritation of melasma causes inflammation, high-power lasers cannot be used.
    With picotoning, low-power irradiation can be repeatedly used for treatment,
    This allows us to proceed with treatment without causing skin inflammation.

  • 02

    Improvement of dark spots and dark circles

    Pico Toning treatment is performed by irradiating the skin multiple times,
    The melanin pigment in the skin that causes dark spots and dullness can be destroyed little by little.
    Therefore, it is expected to be effective in removing blotches and dullness.

  • 03

    Improvement of pore opening

    Since picotoning works on the dermal layer, it can tighten the sebaceous glands in the dermis and suppress sebum secretion.
    As a result, pores become less noticeable, and improvement of pore opening can be expected.

  • 04

    Improvement of red face

    One of the causes of red face (rosacea) is the dilation of capillaries.
    The Pico Toning laser reaches the dermis where these capillaries are located and constricts them.
    Repeated treatments can therefore restore the capillaries to normal and lead to improvement of facial redness.

    Reference: Red face / Journal of the Japanese Society of Cosmetic Chemistry Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 20-23 (2016)

Price Guide

Pico Toning (full face)
Initial Price
19,360 Yen (Tax Included)
After 2 times
24,200 Yen (Tax Included)
5 times set
96,800 Yen (Tax Included)
12 times set
217,800 Yen (Tax Included)
Pico Toning (full face)
Initial Price
Yen (Tax Included)
After 2 times
Yen (Tax Included)
5 times set
Yen (Tax Included)
12 times set
Yen (Tax Included)

Treatment Process

  • 1


    Please make an appointment via web, on line or phone.
  • 1


    Please make an appointment via web, on line or phone.
  • 2

    Facial cleansing and VISIA photography

    First-time patients will be photographed by VISIA, a skin diagnostic machine.
  • 2

    Facial cleansing and VISIA photography

    First-time patients will be photographed by VISIA, a skin diagnostic machine.
  • 3

    Counseling and consultation

    We will propose the most appropriate treatment after a thorough counseling and consultation by a specialist doctor based on the results of VISIA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 3

    Counseling and consultation

    We will propose the most appropriate treatment after a thorough counseling and consultation by a specialist doctor based on the results of VISIA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 4


    Laser irradiation.
  • 4


    Laser irradiation.
  • 5

    Powder Room

    Makeup can be applied on the day of treatment. Make sure to moisturize and apply sunscreen.
  • 5

    Powder Room

    Makeup can be applied on the day of treatment. Make sure to moisturize and apply sunscreen.


Please continue the oral and topical treatments as directed by your doctor. Interruption of the treatment may result in darkening of the spots and hyperpigmentation.
Pregnant, postpartum (within 6 months), breastfeeding, using oral contraceptives, herpes, having art makeup, gold threads, steroids, or gold preparations, are not eligible for treatment. Also, if the doctor deems the treatment to be impossible, we will not be able to perform the procedure.
As a side effect, there will be some redness immediately after the treatment and the skin will be hypersensitive for about a day. Effects may vary from person to person. Moisturize and cool the skin.
Redness, blisters, crusts, and burns may form over the course of treatment.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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