Cool sculpting elite

マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • Want to lose weight without exercising
  • Want to lose weight without dietary restrictions
  • Want to have a well-defined body line
  • It's getting harder to lose fat
  • Want to approach the areas of concern with pinpoint precision.
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is Cool sculpting elite ?

 CoolSculpting Elite is a medical procedure that freezes and destroys fat cells.
“Fat freezing” is a technique that has recently become a hot topic of conversation, freezing and destroying fat cells and expelling them from the body.

In the United States, fat freezing has become popular as a first-line diet treatment.


How Cool sculpting elite Works

Focusing on the property that “fat cells are more sensitive to low temperatures than other tissues in the body,” by cooling at a temperature that only affects fat cells, it can cause damage to skin, blood vessels, etc. It destroys only fat cells without giving any fat and promotes their excretion from the body.

Water freezes at 0°C, fat at 4°C, and blood at -18°C.
Fat cells are more sensitive to low temperatures than other tissues in the body
By taking advantage of the fact that each skin tissue has a different melting point, it is possible to freeze only the fat within fat cells.
Therefore, it is a machine that can target only fat without destroying other normal cells. It has become a technique that is even called non-cut liposuction.The human body is mainly composed of water, but unlike other tissues, adipose tissue is mainly composed of oil. Subcutaneous fat in the human body, which is animal fat, becomes solid at a higher temperature than water, so when the human body is uniformly cooled, fat becomes solid first. Normally, the human body does not freeze because homeostasis is maintained by heat such as body temperature, but by firmly suctioning the local area and lowering the temperature uniformly, only the fat freezes first, and then (skin and blood vessels). If we can maintain a temperature that does not freeze water (the main component of nerves, etc.), we can selectively damage fat without causing any harm to the human body.
Fat destruction technology
This fat destruction technology has been used in cases where the thighs of women who habitually ride horses in cold regions became thinner, and the cheeks of children who regularly ate popsicles became thinner (cold exposure). It is said to be inspired by the phenomenon of panniculitis caused by panniculitis.
Although there are individual differences, it is possible to destroy approximately 20-30% of the fat in the treated area, so you can feel the effect even with just one treatment.
Destroyed fat cells are gradually excreted and metabolized and leave the body, so it takes about 2-4 months to feel the effects.

Effects of CoolSculpting Elite

Destroys fat cells by freezing them.
The destroyed fat is naturally excreted through metabolism, and the number of fat cells itself decreases.

Since no scalpels or injections are used, there is no need to worry about any damage to your body.
There are no restrictions on eating or bathing, and there is no need for massage or exercise after surgery.

Since fat freezing destroys the fat cells themselves, fat freezing also has the effect of preventing rebound by destroying the fat cells.

When you lose weight with a normal diet, the swollen fat cells shrink and you feel like you have lost weight, but
The cells themselves do not disappear.
Furthermore, your body will think that you are running out of energy and will try to conserve more energy. This makes it easier to gain weight, and if you stop dieting, you will gain weight again.
On the other hand, fat cooling using CoolSculpting Elite can kill the fat cells themselves, so there is no risk of rebound.

Cool Sculpting Elite


The destroyed fat is naturally excreted through metabolism, and the number of fat cells itself decreases.
Since no scalpels or injections are used, there is no need to injure the body.
There are no restrictions on eating or bathing, and there is no need for massage or exercise after surgery.

This is a patient who had one applicator of CoolSculpting Elite installed under the chin.
After is a photo taken two months after implementation.

Reference: CoolSculpting® / Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Features of CoolSculpting Elite

The cooling area that can be cooled in one treatment is more than twice that of conventional methods. Therefore, it is possible to destroy and eliminate fat around a wide range of abdominal areas at once.

The conventional product has two applicators instead of one, making it possible to perform treatments at the same time. Therefore, the treatment time is also shortened.

Additionally, the cup design has evolved to meet your natural body curves.
Compared to conventional CoolSculpting, this product provides a better fit during suction.

Features of Cool sculpting elite


    Effectiveness and safety approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

    It is a slimming treatment that has been introduced in more than 80 countries around the world. In Japan, it received pharmaceutical approval from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2017, and its efficacy and safety are guaranteed.


    less downtime

    It is a slimming treatment that does not use scalpels or needles. There is no downtime like after liposuction, and you can resume your normal daily life immediately after the procedure.
    *There is a possibility that you may experience internal bleeding for about 2 weeks or muscle pain for about 1 month.


    Protect your skin from the risk of frostbite

    The gel pad (patented technology) that covers the skin when the applicator is attached protects the skin with a special gel soaked in cloth and prevents frostbite. Inside the applicator, there is a temperature sensor with special technology that cools at a constant temperature, and also monitors and provides feedback on the cooling temperature on the skin to control the cooling temperature.


    One machine can treat two areas at the same time

    CoolSculpting used to have one applicator in the main body, but CoolSculpting Elite now has two applicators.
    This makes it possible to treat two areas at the same time, saving time. In addition, the range of fat freezing treatments that can be performed in one visit has expanded.


    Certified doctors and nurses from Allergan, the manufacturer

    At MY Beauty Clinic, three nurses are certified by Allergan. We will not only ensure that you can receive the treatment safely and securely, but we will also support you so that you can feel the effects after just one treatment.

Case Photos of

    This is a patient who had CoolSculpting Elite applied to the buttocks, one applicator on each side. After is a photo taken two months after implementation.
    Total Cost
    Side Effects
    ▼Downtime/side effects (risk)
    During the treatment, you may feel some discomfort due to the cooling for about 10 minutes after starting the treatment, but it will not bother you after that.
    After treatment, the cooled area may become slightly red. The red areas will return to normal in about 30 minutes.
    The following day, you may experience a stinging and discomfort in the treated area, but this will improve within a few days.
    After treatment, internal bleeding, induration, hypoesthesia, frostbite, hyperpigmentation, paradoxical hyperplasia, and contour abnormalities may occur.
    It will subside in a few days, but if it persists, please consult us.
    This is a patient who had one applicator of CoolSculpting Elite installed under the chin. After is a photo taken two months after implementation.
    Total Cost
    Side Effects
    ▼Downtime/side effects (risk)
    During the treatment, you may feel some discomfort due to the cooling for about 10 minutes after starting the treatment, but it will not bother you after that.
    After treatment, the cooled area may become slightly red. The red areas will return to normal in about 30 minutes.
    The following day, you may experience a stinging and discomfort in the treated area, but this will improve within a few days.
    After treatment, internal bleeding, induration, hypoesthesia, frostbite, hyperpigmentation, paradoxical hyperplasia, and contour abnormalities may occur.
    It will subside in a few days, but if it persists, please consult us.
    This is a patient who had two applicators of CoolSculpting Elite applied to the lower abdomen. After is a photo taken 5 months after implementation.
    Total Cost
    Side Effects
    ▼Downtime/side effects (risk)
    During the treatment, you may feel some discomfort due to the cooling for about 10 minutes after starting the treatment, but it will not bother you after that.
    After treatment, the cooled area may become slightly red. The red areas will return to normal in about 30 minutes.
    The following day, you may experience a stinging and discomfort in the treated area, but this will improve within a few days.
    After treatment, internal bleeding, induration, hypoesthesia, frostbite, hyperpigmentation, paradoxical hyperplasia, and contour abnormalities may occur.
    It will subside in a few days, but if it persists, please consult us.

Treatment Process

  • 1


    Please make a reservation online, LINE or by phone.
  • 1


    Please make a reservation online, LINE or by phone.
  • 2


    During the consultation, we listen to the patient's concerns and wishes, and after thorough examination by a specialist doctor, we propose the most suitable treatment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 2


    During the consultation, we listen to the patient's concerns and wishes, and after thorough examination by a specialist doctor, we propose the most suitable treatment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 3

    Change of clothes/assessment

    You will be asked to change into paper shorts and a paper bra, and we will mark the treatment area.
  • 3

    Change of clothes/assessment

    You will be asked to change into paper shorts and a paper bra, and we will mark the treatment area.
  • 4

    Applicator attachment/treatment/massage

    Apply the gel sheet, attach the applicator, and begin the treatment. The treatment time is approximately 45 minutes. Immediately after suction begins, it will feel cold and feel like being pinched or sucked, but the sensation will disappear after about 10 minutes. The applicator will be removed and the nurse will massage the area. There may be some redness, but it usually subsides within 1 to 2 hours.
  • 4

    Applicator attachment/treatment/massage

    Apply the gel sheet, attach the applicator, and begin the treatment. The treatment time is approximately 45 minutes. Immediately after suction begins, it will feel cold and feel like being pinched or sucked, but the sensation will disappear after about 10 minutes. The applicator will be removed and the nurse will massage the area. There may be some redness, but it usually subsides within 1 to 2 hours.
  • 5

    Go home

    Most people are satisfied with just one treatment, but a second treatment is possible after two months.
  • 5

    Go home

    Most people are satisfied with just one treatment, but a second treatment is possible after two months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any pain during the procedure?
There is almost no pain during the procedure.
When you place the applicator on the treatment area, you may feel some discomfort as the skin is suctioned.
How long does it take to see results after the treatment?
You will not notice any size reduction immediately after the procedure.
Fat cells will be gradually expelled over a period of 2 to 4 months, so you will be able to notice changes in your appearance from about 1 month later.
How long does the effect last after one treatment?
It is said that rebound is less likely in areas where fat cells have been expelled from the body, as the number of fat cells itself decreases. However, the effectiveness of the treatment may be reduced if you eat too much or lack exercise.
What is the difference between CoolSculpting Elite and CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting Elite is the latest model introduced in June 2022.
One applicator comes with two applicators, allowing you to treat two areas at the same time.
The older model of CoolSculpting Elite is CoolSculpting, and each unit comes with one applicator. The shape of the Elite cup has also been improved to reduce discomfort during suction, and the cooling area has been expanded by 15-18%.
Can I receive CoolSculpting Elite multiple times on the same area?
The same area can be treated after 2 months until the treatment effect has subsided.
Can it be done on areas other than the abdomen?
Of course it is possible.
All tip applicators are installed and can be used depending on the desired area and body type.
Thighs, inner thighs, waist, upper arms, etc.
*Other treatments may be recommended depending on the area and your wishes.
Is it possible to take a bath on the day of treatment?
You can take a bath from the day of treatment.
Fat excretion begins immediately after treatment, so the effect will not change even if you heat or cool it after treatment.


Those who suffer from cold hives or are pregnant cannot receive CoolSculpting.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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