
マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • want to improve my smile
  • I'm worried about wrinkles on my face
  • I want to suppress armpit sweat and hand sweat
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is botox injection ?

Botox injections involve injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into the gill muscles.
This is a cosmetic treatment that temporarily weakens the muscles in the lower jaw area of ​​the face and improves the “gill tension” caused by enlarged masseter muscles.
Suitable for people who want to slim the contours of their face.

Elabotox injection and masseter muscle

The masseter muscle is a muscle located in the lower jaw that controls the action of chewing.
From a cosmetic point of view, overdevelopment or overactivity of the masseter muscle can affect the shape and appearance of the face.

If the masseter muscle is overdeveloped, it can lead to the following cosmetic problems.

- Width of face
The development of the masseter muscle may cause the lower jaw to widen, making the face appear wider.
Particularly for women, where a slim and sharp facial contour is desirable, the development of the masseter muscle is considered undesirable.

- Loss of balance when viewed from the front of the face
If the masseter muscles are unevenly developed, the balance between the left and right sides may be disrupted when the face is viewed from the front.
If one masseter muscle is overdeveloped, the contours of your face may appear distorted.

・Deformation of the silhouette seen from the front of the face
Due to the development of the masseter muscle, the lower jaw may appear protruding.
In this case, the silhouette may appear square or angular when viewed from the front of the face.

If you want to improve these problems, Erabotox injection is one option.
Elabotox injections can be expected to have the effect of slimming the contours of the face by temporarily suppressing the activity of the masseter muscle.

What is Botox injection?

Botox injection is a drug containing ``botulinum toxin type A (natural protein)''.
This treatment is injected into tense muscles to relax them and reduce wrinkles.

Botox has the ability to prevent muscles from contracting, and is used to treat various conditions such as armpit irritation and hyperhidrosis.
By injecting it into areas of concern, such as facial wrinkles and gills, it is expected to work to relieve muscle contraction and soothe symptoms.
It also has the effect of temporarily relaxing muscle movements, so
It is effective for wrinkles and areas where you want to increase volume without moving your facial expressions.

Features of botox injection


    You can expect improvement in your problems with just injections.

    Botox injections are a procedure that does not require the use of a scalpel and only involves administering an injection.
    Since it is not a major cosmetic treatment that involves incisions, there is almost no risk of leaving surgical scars, scars, or after-effects.
    We can approach problems that are low risk but difficult to improve with self-care,
    Even those who are reluctant to have their face or body touched can still receive this treatment relatively easily.
    There is no need to worry too much about the pain of the procedure.

    While needles used for general vaccinations and blood sampling have a diameter of 0.4 to 0.7 mm, Botox injection needles are extremely thin, with a diameter of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 mm.
    The pain caused by an injection depends on the thickness of the needle.
    Therefore, Botox injections using a thin needle tend to be less painful than regular injections.
    If you have no problem with pain from vaccinations, etc., there is no need to worry about pain from Botox injections.


    Easy to get results in a short time

    Many treatments for beauty purposes take time before you can feel the effects.
    Depending on the treatment details, there may be no visible changes after just one treatment.
    In some cases, the premise is that your problems will gradually improve through repetition.

    Therefore, even if you have a situation such as “I want to be beautiful by next week’s date,” depending on the treatment content and timing,
    The effect may not be visible by the desired date.
    The effects of Botox injections can be felt within a few days of treatment, and reach their peak in about a week.
    If the goal is to reduce the volume of the body parts, it will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks for the muscles to atrophy.
    Of course, there are individual differences, but among beauty treatments, it is relatively quick and easy to achieve great results.


    short downtime

    There is almost no downtime with Botox injections.
    You can put on make-up and go home immediately after the surgery, and there are no restrictions on your movements, so you can continue to lead a normal life.
    In principle, there is no need to take time off from work or hold back on making plans.
    As a minor side effect of all common injections, some people may experience internal bleeding or swelling.

Frequency of Receiving
botox injection

The biggest appeal of Botox is that it is easy to receive.
The frequency of Botox injections is approximately 2 weeks to 3 months after the first treatment, and you can receive the treatment again.
The effects of typical Botox last approximately 3 to 4 months. There is no semi-permanent effect, so you can receive treatments on a regular basis.
It is said that the effects of Botox can be sustained by repeated injections.
Regular treatments are recommended to ensure long-lasting results.
If you do not pay attention to the precautions of Botox, the duration of treatment may be shortened.
Therefore, after the treatment, please do not touch the injection site and avoid excessive exercise, drinking alcohol, and bathing.

Improvement Effects of

  • 01

    Improvement of gill tension

    Elabotox injections have the effect of reducing gill tension by weakening the muscles of the lower jaw.
    When Erabotox injections suppress muscle activity, the angle of the lower jaw is relaxed, resulting in a slimmer facial contour.

  • 02

    Slimming facial contours

    Elabotox injections target the masseter muscle, making the facial contours appear slimmer.
    If the masseter muscle is overdeveloped, it can make the face look wider, but if the masseter muscle activity is suppressed by injections,
    Facial contours become sharper and the balance of the entire face is improved.

  • 03

    Improvement of teeth grinding and clenching

    Temporarily reducing activity in the injected muscles may relieve muscle tension associated with teeth grinding and clenching.
    However, the causes of teeth grinding and clenching may vary depending on the individual, so in order to improve these symptoms,
    Determination of the cause and other treatments (such as stress management, use of a mouthguard, or dental treatment) may be necessary.

  • 04

    non-invasive treatment

    Elabotox injections are a non-invasive treatment and do not require surgery, so there are relatively few risks and recovery times.
    The injection itself is also quick and usually uses local anesthesia, minimizing discomfort and pain.
    It is a popular way to improve facial shape while avoiding surgery.

  • 05

    Early effect and sustainability

    The effects of Erabotox injections are visible within days to weeks after injection.
    Maximum effects last for weeks to months after injection, and then the effects gradually wear off.
    Generally, the effects last about 3 to 6 months. Once the effect wears off, additional injections can be given to maintain the effect.

    Erabotox injections are a treatment that can be customized for each individual patient.
    During your consultation, we will assess your facial shape and specific concerns, and adjust the location and amount of injections to achieve optimal results.

Erabotox injection process

First, the doctor will assess the condition of the patient's injection site and determine the amount of Botox to inject.
The number of units of Botox required will vary depending on each patient's individual condition, such as the size of the masseter muscle and how effective the drug is.

Botox is injected into the muscle using a fine needle.
You can take a shower from the day of your treatment.
However, please refrain from bathing, exercising, saunas, etc. on the day of your visit.

Generally, the effects appear within a few days to a few weeks after the treatment, and the duration of the effect varies from person to person, but it is said to last about 3 to 6 months.
The effects of Botox injections are only temporary, so regular treatments are required to maintain the effects.
To ensure safety and effectiveness, please consult a trusted medical professional before undergoing treatment.

What you need to know before getting Erabotox treatment

-Effects are not immediate; effects appear gradually
Elabotox injections cause the face to become smaller by atrophying the gill muscles (masseter muscles).
Muscles do not become smaller immediately after injection, so there is no immediate effect.
Erabotox begins to work two weeks after the injection.
The gills will gradually become smaller and you will be able to feel the effect of making your face smaller after about 1-3 months.

・It is not effective if the cause of gill tension is the skeleton.
Botox injections are only effective against tension caused by excessive muscle tension.
If the cause of gill tension is mandibular tension, injecting gill botox will have little effect.
During your preliminary examination, we will examine your muscle movements and discuss how effective you can expect them to be.

Price Guide

Botox (Botulax) injection
13,750 Yen (Tax Included)
眉Between the eyebrows間
13,750 Yen (Tax Included)
corner of the eye
13,750 Yen (Tax Included)
bunny line
9,900 Yen (Tax Included)
9,900 Yen (Tax Included)
gummy smile
9,900 Yen (Tax Included)
root of nose
9,900 Yen (Tax Included)
corner of mouth
11,000 Yen (Tax Included)
shortening the number of people
13,750 Yen (Tax Included)
Drooping eyes
11,000 Yen (Tax Included)
under the eyes
11,000 Yen (Tax Included)
under eye skin
22,000 Yen (Tax Included)
inner corner of the eye
11,000 Yen (Tax Included)
neck (normal)
33,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Neck (double amount)
38,499 Yen (Tax Included)
nefertiti lift
60,500 Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (S)
38,500 Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (M)
44,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (L)
60,500 Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (S)
33,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (M)
38,500 Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (L)
44,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Calf (normal)
38,500 Yen (Tax Included)
Calf (double amount)
66,000 Yen (Tax Included)
55,000 Yen (Tax Included)
55,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (S)
22,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (M)
33,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (L)
38,500 Yen (Tax Included)
salivary glands
22,000 Yen (Tax Included)
Botox (Botulax) injection
Yen (Tax Included)
眉Between the eyebrows間
Yen (Tax Included)
corner of the eye
Yen (Tax Included)
bunny line
Yen (Tax Included)
Yen (Tax Included)
gummy smile
Yen (Tax Included)
root of nose
Yen (Tax Included)
corner of mouth
Yen (Tax Included)
shortening the number of people
Yen (Tax Included)
Drooping eyes
Yen (Tax Included)
under the eyes
Yen (Tax Included)
under eye skin
Yen (Tax Included)
inner corner of the eye
Yen (Tax Included)
neck (normal)
Yen (Tax Included)
Neck (double amount)
Yen (Tax Included)
nefertiti lift
Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (S)
Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (M)
Yen (Tax Included)
Shoulder (L)
Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (S)
Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (M)
Yen (Tax Included)
Armpit (L)
Yen (Tax Included)
Calf (normal)
Yen (Tax Included)
Calf (double amount)
Yen (Tax Included)
Yen (Tax Included)
Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (S)
Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (M)
Yen (Tax Included)
Ella (L)
Yen (Tax Included)
salivary glands
Yen (Tax Included)
Since it is not an official Allergan product, some effects cannot be guaranteed, but it is recommended for those who want to keep costs down.

Treatment Process

  • 1


    Please make a reservation online, on LINE, or by phone.
  • 1


    Please make a reservation online, on LINE, or by phone.
  • 2

    face wash

    We have a powder room available.
  • 2

    face wash

    We have a powder room available.
  • 3

    VISIA photography

    For patients visiting for the first time, we will take pictures using the VISIA skin diagnostic machine.
  • 3

    VISIA photography

    For patients visiting for the first time, we will take pictures using the VISIA skin diagnostic machine.
  • 4


    We will propose the most suitable treatment after thorough counseling based on the VISIA results and a thorough examination by a specialist doctor. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 4


    We will propose the most suitable treatment after thorough counseling based on the VISIA results and a thorough examination by a specialist doctor. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • 5


    We perform the treatment while checking the condition of your skin. It takes about 5 minutes per side.
  • 5


    We perform the treatment while checking the condition of your skin. It takes about 5 minutes per side.
  • 6

    Next reservation

    We will check to see if the drug has penetrated properly, so please come back for a follow-up visit in two weeks.
  • 6

    Next reservation

    We will check to see if the drug has penetrated properly, so please come back for a follow-up visit in two weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen if I keep getting Botox injections?
On the other hand, it is said that if Botox injections are given repeatedly without proper intervals, antibodies will develop and the effectiveness will weaken. Even if the effect wears off sooner than expected after the treatment, do not arbitrarily accelerate the treatment cycle.
Be sure to consult your doctor and make sure to space your treatments at appropriate intervals.
It is said that if you stop taking Botox injections, you will look older, but is this true?
Botox injections do not accelerate aging. There is a gap between the state you were in when Botox injections were effective and the state you returned to after the effects wore off, and when you stop Botox injections, you suddenly feel older.
In addition, excessive treatment can cause your muscles to become too thin, causing your skin to sag in the form of excess skin, which can cause you to look older. To prevent this, it is necessary to perform appropriate treatments that take care not to cause sagging.


After the injection, a liquid (mainly saline) is injected into the gills, and you may feel some swelling, but it will be absorbed quickly and will not bother you.
Since a very thin needle is used, the injection mark is almost invisible even immediately after the injection. In rare cases, internal bleeding may occur, and a mark of about 1.2 mm may appear at the site where the needle was inserted.
Please avoid facial massages, beauty treatments, and alcohol on the day of your treatment. Botox itself is sensitive to heat, so on the day of your treatment, please avoid activities that will cause your body temperature to rise rapidly, such as saunas or baths.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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