
マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器 マイクロニードルRFポテンツァの次世代機器

Recommended for Those
with Such Concerns

  • It's hard to lose weight with diet and exercise alone.
  • Want to slim down specific areas like thighs and buttocks.
  • Desire a defined body shape.
  • Enjoy oily foods.
  • Want to reduce cellulite.
This Treatment is Perfect
for Such Concerns

What is Xenical ?

Xenical is a medication that inhibits fat absorption in the body to treat obesity.

How Xenical Works

The active ingredient in Xenical, “Orlistat,” weakens the action of the digestive enzyme “lipase” found in the liver.

Lipase is an enzyme responsible for breaking down fat.

Orlistat inhibits lipase activity, thereby suppressing the absorption of fat from ingested food.

By inhibiting lipase activity, fat is less likely to be absorbed from the small intestine, preventing fat accumulation in the body.

Reference: Orlistat (marketed as Alli and Xenical) Information/ U.S. FOOD & DRUG

Unabsorbed fat is excreted as stool 1-2 days later. It is said that approximately 30% of dietary fat intake is excreted.

For those who enjoy fatty meals, taking Xenical can help prevent obesity caused by fat intake.

Reference: XENical in the Prevention of Diabetes in Obese Subjects (XENDOS) Study/Jarl S. Torgerson, MD, PHD

Effectiveness of Xenical

Xenical is effective in eliminating approximately 30% of the fat you intake from your diet.
Therefore, by taking Xenical, you can reduce the amount of fat you intake from your diet.
Reducing the amount of fat you intake from your diet can help you lose weight.
In clinical trials of Xenical, people who took Xenical lost an average of 3.5 kg less weight than those who took a placebo.

Therefore, Xenical is used as a treatment for obesity and metabolic syndrome.
It may also be used as a weight control drug for people with a normal body type who do not fall under the category of obesity.
The dosage method will be prescribed after consultation with your doctor.

The effects of Xenical can be expected to be absorbed within 1-2 hours after taking it.
The ingredients are distributed in the blood about 30 minutes after taking the drug, and the blood concentration decreases in about an hour after that, making it less effective.
Therefore, fat absorption can be suppressed for 1-2 hours after taking the drug.
Even if you eat a high-fat meal after that time, it will be absorbed normally, so you need to be careful.However, depending on the amount of fat injected, your stools may become oily even after the day of administration.
Just because it's oily doesn't mean it's effective.

It is said that it takes 2-3 weeks from the start of taking Xenical for the effects to be seen if you continue to take Xenical, although this varies from person to person.
Changes in weight may occur as early as 2-3 days after taking the drug.
The weight loss effect varies greatly from person to person and also depends on the amount of fat in your daily diet.
Those who consume a large amount of fat on a daily basis are more likely to see the effects.

However, Xenical approaches "lipids and fat content contained in meals",
It has no effect on fat that has already been stored in the body, so be careful.
Weight loss treatment using Xenical has been approved in 86 countries, including Latin America, North America, and Europe.
As of 2001, 8.5 million people have received this drug.

Reference: Recent usage status of orlistat overseas / Yoshio Ikeda

In fact, in overseas trials, the following data on diet effects has been published.Taking Xenical 120mg for 1 year: -6.1kg (* Original weight 97kg)
I have successfully lost weight without any dietary restrictions or exercise regimens.

In addition, out of the 1,641 people who took the test, it was found that they lost ``more than 5%'' or ``more than 10%'' of their original body weight.
The test results are out.
5% or more: 45.3%
10% or more: 20.2%

By taking Xenical, you can control your daily fat intake, so you can expect a steady diet effect.

Reference: This module reflects the initial scientific discussion for the approval of Xenical. This scientific
discussion has been updated until 1 November 2003. For information on changes after this date
please refer to module 8B /SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION

Xenical is effective not only for weight loss, but also for reducing the diseases and symptoms associated with obesity.
In clinical trials of Xenical, people who took Xenical had lower blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and lower triglyceride levels than those who took a placebo.
It has also been reported that people who take Xenical have lower rates of heart disease and stroke.

People who do not respond to Xenical

There are broadly four reasons why Xenical may not be effective.

Being overweight due to reasons other than fat intake

Xenical works by inhibiting the absorption of fats, making it effective for weight loss. Therefore, its effectiveness may be limited for individuals who naturally consume low amounts of fat. If the cause of weight gain is not primarily due to fatty foods but rather factors like lack of exercise or excessive consumption of high-carbohydrate foods such as white rice, its effectiveness can be diminished. In cases of excessive carbohydrate intake, we recommend considering a prescription for Jadience at our clinic.

Excessive intake of fat

Xenical suppresses fat absorption, but it can only cut it by around 30% and does not completely eliminate it.
If you intake an abnormally large amount of fat, you will gain weight no matter how much you suppress your absorption capacity.

The time of administration is also an important point.
If fat is ingested long after taking the drug, Xenical is said to be less effective in inhibiting lipid absorption.

Reference: XENICAL, INN-orlistat / ema.europa.eu

Side effects of Xenical

Xenical rarely causes serious side effects.
However, symptoms such as abnormalities in the digestive system and oil leakage often occur.

When you take Xenical, the number of stools you have per day increases to eliminate fat.
You may experience diarrhea, gas, and abdominal pain.
Also, some people may experience oil leakage along with their farts.
Oil leakage is a condition in which fat that cannot be absorbed by the body leaks out without being aware of it.

If the amount of oil consumed is high, the possibility and amount of oil leakage will increase.
If oil leaks without you noticing, it can stain your pants and pants, so we recommend that women use napkins and men use adult diapers to prevent this.

Reference: FDA Drug Safety Communication: Completed safety review of Xenical/Alli (orlistat) and severe liver injury / U.S. FOOD & DRUG

Not taking Xenical correctly

If the timing of Xenical intake is not appropriate, its effectiveness may be reduced. It is recommended to take Xenical "more than 1 hour before lunch" and "more than 1 hour before dinner."

Taking it right before a meal or too far in advance of the next meal may not allow the medication to work effectively. Make sure to adhere to the recommended timing and control your meal sizes accordingly.

For those who recommend Xenical

Xenical is perfect for those who want to enjoy oily meals while managing their diet and weight. Many people experience weight loss through strict dietary restrictions, but this often comes with decreased quality of life and feelings of depression.

Using Xenical allows you to lose weight while enjoying your meals, maintaining satisfaction and achieving results. It's particularly recommended for individuals in environments where they cannot change their meal content due to reasons such as frequent work-related dinners or unavoidable taste-testing in restaurants.

Professionals in sales, management, and executive roles often find themselves overeating or struggling with weight management during evening meals at business functions. If you're in such a situation and feel you're definitely consuming too much fat or want to manage your weight, but find it challenging to adjust your diet alone, Xenical can help by regulating the amount of fat absorbed, thus contributing to your health maintenance.

How to take Xenical

The recommended daily dosage of Xenical is up to three capsules, taken within one hour of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, due to potential digestive symptoms when starting, we advise starting with one capsule per day at our clinic.

It's recommended to take Xenical with water.

How to enhance the diet effect of Xenical

To enhance the diet effects of Xenical, dietary restrictions and moderate exercise are effective.
Incorporating these foods will make it easier to lose weight, reduce weight, and improve your abdominal area.
If you want to increase the effectiveness of your diet, please try practicing it in your daily life.① Light exercise
In addition to taking Xenical, promoting fat burning through light exercise will help you lose weight and reduce fat around your stomach and upper arms.
Exercising also improves your basal metabolism, which makes it easier to lose weight and makes it harder for your body to rebound.
Start by burning fat with aerobic exercise, and once you get used to it, try incorporating anaerobic exercise such as muscle training to improve your basal metabolism.
Exercise to the extent that it puts a moderate load on your body, and do it as much as you can.
② Change of meal contents
Xenical inhibits approximately 30% of dietary fat intake, but cannot inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates (sugar).
Therefore, if you eat too many carbohydrates, you may not be able to achieve the desired weight loss effect.
If you reduce your carbohydrate intake too much or don't consume it at all, you will easily become unwell, so if you review the balance of your diet, you can expect a more effective diet.

Price Guide

1 cupル
440 Yen (Tax Included)
1 cupル
Yen (Tax Included)
Obesity treatment drug that inhibits fat absorption in the body

Features of Xenical


    Inhibits absorption of 30% of fat

    Suppresses absorption of 30% of dietary fat.
    The main ingredient orlistat acts on the liver,
    Absorption is inhibited.
    This allows you to feel the effects of your diet.


    Adjustable dosage

    Xenical can be taken 1 tablet at a time, up to 3 times a day.
    Depending on your current weight and the body type you want to achieve, your doctor may instruct you to take the medication less frequently.
    If your doctor tells you how many times to take the medicine, follow his or her instructions.

    The dosage of Xenical can be adjusted up to three times a day depending on the individual’s needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it addictive?
It can be taken long term.
I'm thinking about going on a diet, but what kind of medicine is Xenical?
Xenical can eliminate about 30% of the fat intake from meals as waste.
Taking Xenical, which excretes high-calorie fat, has an effect on body weight control.
Are there any side effects?
There is no problem with taking it with oily meals, but if you continue to take it with light meals,
there is a risk of deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
To prevent deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and increase slimming effects, make an effort to consume meals rich in vegetables while taking Xenical.
Is it safe to use with other drugs?
So far, there have been no reports of interactions with other drug components.
However, follow your doctor's instructions when taking it.
Why is it recommended to take multivitamins together?
Xenical is a medicine that removes oil from the body.
Therefore, vitamins that dissolve in oil, called fat-soluble vitamins, are also included.
It will be more easily excreted.
Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc., and to prevent insufficient intake of these vitamins, we recommend taking a multivitamin.
What should I do if I forget to take a dose?
If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember, as long as it is within 1 hour after a meal.
If more than 1 hour has passed after a meal, start taking the medicine with your next meal.
Do not double the dose just because you forgot to take it last time.
How long should I continue to lose weight?
Although it varies from person to person, changes in weight can often be felt within 2-3 weeks.
It is said that you will notice changes in your body shape after 6 months of taking the drug.
3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc. Please continue while checking the situation every 3 months.
There is no need to take Xenical every day, so if you have a high-fat meal,
We recommend its use.
Since Xenical can cut fat, is it okay to increase meals high in fat?
It is said that Xenical can inhibit the absorption of approximately 30% of dietary fat.
When the intake of fat increases, the number of fats that can be inhibited also increases, but the amount of fat that is absorbed also increases, making it difficult to see a diet effect.
Is Xenical covered by insurance?
Xenical is not covered by insurance, so it must be prescribed at your own expense. At our hospital, you can purchase it for 440 yen/tablet.
After taking one tablet, how long should I wait before taking the next one?
You can take it up to 3 times a day, but please avoid taking it consecutively. Please be sure to wait at least 2 hours.
In what country is Xenical manufactured?
This product is manufactured by Kepra Pharma in Germany, and the country of manufacture is Germany. It is an obesity treatment drug that has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and is used in more than 80 countries around the world.
Can I use Xenical and Pills together?
Can be used together. Regarding the use of this medicine in combination with other medicines, we will consult with your doctor to determine if it is possible to prescribe it. If you have a medication notebook, we would appreciate it if you could bring it with you.
Can Xenical be purchased online?
Xenical is an unapproved drug in Japan, so it cannot be purchased on online shopping sites such as Amazon or Rakuten.

In order to obtain Xenical, there is a method called ``personal import'', in which you use an agent to purchase it directly from overseas.
However, when personally importing Xenical from overseas, there is a risk that you will receive a fake product instead of the genuine product, so it can be said to be a high-risk method.
If you are at a medical institution, you will be able to prescribe medicine that is suitable for your body, so it is recommended that you follow the doctor's prescription.

Detailed Information

Side effects Oil spots, gas during defecation, stool containing oil, excretion of oil, increased frequency of defecation, lack of fat-soluble vitamins, etc.

Be careful of the toilet!

When using Xenical, we recommend that you try to go to the toilet frequently. Because this medicine eliminates the fat from the food you eat, your stools will be more oily than usual. Your stools may become loose and may pass without you even noticing. Your stools may be oilier than usual, which may make cleaning the toilet more difficult.

Be careful of dry skin!

When using Xenical, your skin may feel dry. For people who have a diet that does not consume much oil on a daily basis, Xenical may cause oil to be excreted from the body, resulting in a lack of oil in the body. As a result, your skin may lack moisture and feel dry. When we think of skin moisture, we tend to think of water, but in fact, oil also plays an important role. A lack of oil can cause the skin to lose its balance between moisture and oil, which can worsen skin conditions.

Beware of vitamin deficiency!

As oil is excreted from the body, vitamins that dissolve in oil, called fat-soluble vitamins, are also easily excreted along with them. Excretion of vitamins may worsen the skin condition. To prevent vitamin deficiency, use Xenical while supplementing with vitamins such as supplements.

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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