• Input
  • Confirm
  • Complete

Thank you for using our clinic.
To help us provide better services, we would appreciate your cooperation in completing this survey.
※This survey is anonymous, so you do not need to provide your name.
Please fill in the following items and press the "Confirm Input" button.

① How satisfied were you with the clinic environment?
② Please provide the reason for your answer to question ①.
③How was the service provided by the reception counselor?
④Please provide the reason for your answer to question ③.
⑤How was the service provided by the practitioner (nurse)?
⑥Please provide the reason for your answer to question ⑤.
⑦How satisfied were you with the treatment?
⑧Please provide the reason for your answer to question ⑦.
⑨ Would you recommend our clinic to your family and friends?

Inquiries & Reservations

Please feel free to contact us.

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