What is Reversus?
Reversus is an oral medication that is said to reduce the amount of food eaten by making it harder to feel hungry, and to slow down the digestion of food by slowing down the function of the stomach and intestines, making you feel full with less food than usual.
It is also approved as a treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Taking Rebelsus to reduce appetite and achieve slimming effects is commonly referred to as the GLP-1 diet.
GLP-1 is a hormone that is naturally found in the human body and is known as the “slimming hormone.” It is said that people who secrete a lot of it are less likely to gain weight, while people who secrete less are less likely to lose weight.
Therefore, taking GLP-1 naturally suppresses your appetite.
Semaglutide, an ingredient contained in GLP-1, is said to be effective for weight loss, but because it is quickly broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes, it was mainly administered by injection until recently.
Examples of this include Saxenda and Ozempic.
So, to make it possible to administer it orally, Rybelsus was created by adding an absorption enhancer.
Oral administration has made it possible to take Saxenda and other needles to medical institutions and pharmacies as medical waste, which made disposal a hassle, but with oral administration, no such waste is produced, making it much easier to start.
At the beginning, we mentioned that Rybelsus has been approved as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, but because Rybelsus has the effect of lowering blood sugar levels, it is also used as a treatment for diabetes, and was approved in Japan in 2020 as a “treatment for type 2 diabetes” and began selling in February 2021. In Japan, it was approved in 2020 and began selling in February 2021.

A new GLP-1 receptor agonist that can be taken orally.
In particular, type 2 diabetes patients who do not respond to diet and exercise therapy can control their blood sugar levels with Rybersus.
As mentioned above, Rybelsus is an effective drug that has been approved for sale in Japan, and is used not only for dieting but also for the treatment of diabetes and other conditions.
How to take Rybelsus
Rybelsus is available in three types: 3mg, 7mg, and 14mg. When you start taking Rybelsus, you should start with the 3mg dose, which contains the least amount of ingredients, because there is a possibility of side effects such as stomach discomfort, nausea, abdominal distension, and diarrhea.
In addition, for safety reasons, we will take a blood sample or, if blood samples are available within the last three months, will have a doctor confirm the results before starting the medication.
Rebelsus may cause hypoglycemic symptoms.
Hypoglycemic symptoms include trembling of the fingers, rapid pulse, headache, and yawning.
If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia, the symptoms will subside if you promptly consume food or drink that contains glucose.

Although Liberus is easy to start taking and has high expectations for effectiveness, please refrain from importing it yourself or purchasing it without a doctor’s diagnosis just because you want to start taking it quickly.
Regarding medicines that can be obtained through personal imports, unlike those available in Japan, some are not recognized as safe or effective, and some are counterfeit.
In addition, if you purchase it without a doctor’s diagnosis, you may not be able to take it correctly, you may not feel the effects, or you may fall into extreme hypoglycemia and lose consciousness.
Because this is a drug that allows you to lose weight easily, please visit a clinic to feel the effects more safely and properly and lose weight easily.