Beauty Column

Diet 2022.11.18

About Dieting Herbal Medicine

“At our clinic, we prescribe two types of diet herbal medicine: Bofutsushosan and Bojiyogito.

We will briefly introduce the characteristics of each medicine.



Bofutsushosan increases metabolism, breaks down and burns excess fat, and reduces subcutaneous fat around the stomach. It also improves bowel movements and is effective against constipation and swelling associated with obesity.

It is necessary to continue taking it for 2 weeks to 1 month before you can feel the effects, and since it is not an immediate effect, you will not feel the effects immediately after taking it.

The mechanism by which Bofutsushosan helps you lose weight is as follows.

・Activates fat cells, burns and breaks down abdominal fat

・Suppresses the absorption of lipids from food

・Promotes bowel movements and excretes lipids from the body along with feces

Therefore, Bofutsushosan is a Chinese herbal medicine suitable for people with weak metabolism who tend to accumulate food as fat.


Bohiohgito is a Chinese herbal medicine that enhances gastrointestinal function and improves water metabolism to remove excess water from the body, and is intended for people who are obese, sweat a lot, and get tired easily. It contains six types of herbs.

Ootsuzurafuji | Medicinal Herb Database


The stems and rhizomes of the climbing plant, Astragalus gracilis. It has diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and is effective mainly for neuralgia and swelling caused by arthritis.

76th Kampo Prescription Commentary (37) Bojiogi-to | 2020 | Kampo Musings | Meijo University




A plant of the legume family. It has the effect of speeding up wound healing, regulating water circulation, and removing swelling.


82nd Kampo Prescription Commentary (42) Hange-Hakujutsu-Tenmato | 2021 | Kampo Musings | Meijo University



The rhizome of the Atractylodes macrocarpa. It has the effect of suppressing excessive sweating and strengthening resistance.



Daizatsu (Jujube) Click here for an explanation of the herb daizatsu (Jujube) | Kentame!

The fruit of the jujube of the Rhamnaceae family. Strengthens the function of the spleen and stomach, and strengthens the energy and blood. It can also be expected to have the effect of alleviating the pharmacological effects of other herbal medicines.



Licorice (kanzou)Licorice | A useful guide to Chinese medicine and herbal medicines

The roots and stems of a legume plant. It can be expected to have the effect of extending lifespan. In addition, like jujube, it can be expected to have the effect of alleviating the pharmacological effects of other herbal medicines.



Ginger (Shokyo) What kind of ginger is

The roots and stems of ginger, a member of the ginger family. As an appetite stimulant, it is expected to have the effect of promoting metabolic function.




In the case of Boiyogi-to, it is often effective in improving swelling after taking it for about 1 to 2 weeks. It is thought that the effect will gradually appear with long-term use in improving chronic diseases such as obesity and excessive sweating and improving physical constitution.



MY Beauty Clinic
7-4-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo RBM Ginza Building 4th floor
4 minutes walk from Ginza Station Exit B9/C3

Clinic hours: 10:00-19:00 (including weekends and holidays)

Reservations can be made via the web, LINE, or phone.


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